TAG Mobile APN Settings for iPhone and Android

TAG Mobile access point name (APN) is a setting on the cellular device that uses the TAG Mobile network and partners to provide network services and connection to the internet. A successful internet connection requires a data plan and network coverage. TAG Mobile uses the AT&T network to provide cellular network coverage in the United States.

APN is the name of the gateway on the service provider’s network that the device connects to. The setting contains a host of other settings though like the type of APN and the protocol. 

tag mobile apn

APN Settings on Android

Access the APN setting page on Android  by navigating to:

  1. Settings
  2. Connections / Network & internet / Wireless & internet / More
  3. Mobile networks / SIMs then select TAG Mobile
  4. Access point names
  5. Add  / +

Input the TAG Mobile APN settings below.

TAG Mobile APN Settings for Android Devices

Leave other sections blank or with their default configuration.

  • Name: TAG Mobile
  • APN: ereseller
  • MMSC: http://mmsc.mobile.att.net
  • MMS Proxy: proxy.mobile.att.net
  • MMS Port: 80
  • MCC: 310
  • MNC: 280
  • APN type: default,mms,supl
  • APN protocol: IPv4/IPv6
  • APN roaming protocol: IPv4/IPv6

Save then select TAG as your APN. Restart your Android device.

APN Settings on iPhone / iOS

APN settings page on an iPhone can be located by navigating to:

  1. Settings
  2. Cellular / Mobile Data / Mobile Service
  3. Cellular Data Network / Mobile Data Network

Input the TAG Mobile APN settings below for iPhones.

TAG Mobile APN Settings for iPhone

Leave the Username and password fields blank.

  • APN: ereseller
  • Username:
  • Password:

Save the settings then turn OFF and ON your mobile data.